

The mission of the 教与学中心 (CTL) is to eng年龄 and collaborate with 教师, 工作人员, and students in their pursuits of innovative 教学 and learning 策略, 以及他们学术活动的发展. The CTL offers various service programs to advance 教师 members' professional development objectives and achievements.


The primary goal of the 教与学中心 is to enhance and to focus on the culture of 创新 and pedagogical experimentation in learning across the university. CTL提供工作坊空间和学术资源供探索, 测试, and assessing new ideas in 教学 and learning which enhance student learning experiences, 学习成果, 学习效能. 资源包括教学研究活动的进展, 伙伴关系和协作机会, 临床工作, 社区参与, 并根据需要进行教学设计和学习技术咨询. 最后, the CTL facilitates several campus events and fosters connections across other colleges or K-12 schools to create a network of sharing and collaborative learning throughout the region.

The 教与学中心 aims to become a cultural hub within the University, 创造一个交流思想的创新空间, 尝试新的创新策略, and hosting regular campus events will uplift 教学 and learning throughout all levels of the University, and will position Gwynedd Mercy as a premiere hotspot for 创新 among other regional academic institutions.

SoYoung Kang博士

Dr. Kang is the 教与学中心主任 and an adjunct professor at GMercyU.

在此之前, she was a tenured Associate Professor of Education at Westminster College in New Wilmington, 宾夕法尼亚大学,俄亥俄大学助理教授. 课程 that she taught include English Langu年龄 Learners and Cultural Diversity, 家庭内部的多样性, 学校, 及社区伙伴关系, 教育与文化多样性, 跨文化视角与教育领导力, 组织研究与理论发展, 教育基础, 学校, 社会与专业教育工作者, 荣誉的研究, 学生教学督导, 专业研究:教师, 学校, 和社会. 她的研究兴趣包括多元文化教育, 比较教育, 文化响应式教学, 文化研究, 教育中的社会公正问题, 护理理论, 教育哲学, 读写能力, 身份, 和英语学习者.

她被Kappa Delta Pi认可并授予荣誉教师, 国际教育荣誉协会. 她收到了M。.社区教育咨询学博士,并获得博士学位.D. 田纳西大学教育文化研究硕士.

Dr. Kang has presented at many professional conferences and published numerous articles in national/international journals, 报纸, 和书籍.




Dr. Michelle Simms is the Assistant Director of the 教与学中心, becoming a part of the 教与学创新 (TLI) team after a long-term service in the Academic Technology division of ITS. 她还担任教育学院的兼职讲师, having taught technology integration courses in their various iterations throughout the years.

Dr. Simms is a Dissertation Advisor in the EDD program at 格温内斯仁慈大学 and is also a member of the Black Doctoral Network, a national organization that works to support doctoral candidates and to share knowledge and ideas around research concepts and collaborative projects. Her research interests include exploring and harnessing the power of traditional, 新兴, 和前沿技术的参与, 动机, 创新, 以及21世纪课堂学习的有效性. 她收到了M。.Ed. 在教育媒体,战略领导工商管理硕士学位,和她的Ed.D. 教学技术和远程教育.

The 教与学中心 (CTL) strives to offer services focused on engaging and innovative practices, 策略, 以及高等教育方面的举措.

GMercyU的教师可以通过这个链接访问CTL的许多服务: http://gmercyu.sharepoint.com/sites/教学-learning/SiteP年龄s/CTL.aspx


  • Collaborative Partnership Opportunities in Regional and International Learning Communities
  • 全校举办的教学活动和活动 
    • CTL教师论坛(分享奖学金), 研究出版物, 社区服务, 和专项项目)
    • 专业发展工作坊及培训系列
    • 教育学读书会
    • 兼职教师 “教学对话” (ACT)
    • 特邀演讲嘉宾
    • 年度大学研究会议
    • 社区合作/外展活动
  • 新教师定位 & 教师实习
  • 预定教学课堂观察
  • 安排的教师咨询
    • 包容和文化响应教学
    • 通用学习设计(UDL)
    • 教师队伍建设
    • 教学研究
  • 学术资源材料  



The 教与学中心 has partnered with Western Galilee College in Israel to collaborate on research, 教学, 学习和机构进步的举措. Possible iniatitives include 教师-教师 Joint Research, Joint Teaching (Canvas, Zoom etc.), Joint 学生 Projects, and 学生 and 教师 Exchange Possibilities. 

The collaboration kicked off in Fall 2022 with 18 GMercyU 教师 members and 19 Western Galilee College 教师 members. 教师 paired together on related research topics and have begun working together.


  • To build international academic partnership with college in Israel through collaboration
  • To provide innovative, cultural, and experiential 教学 and learning experience
  • To provide distance learning opportunities to broaden religious, cultural, and social understanding
  • 为教师提供奖学金机会
  • To encour年龄 教师 and students to work with groups from different cultural background and learn from each other
  • 让学生接触新思想, 文化, and ways of viewing the world to broaden perspectives in various disciplines through multicultural, 教育经历
  • 实践文化响应式教学
  • To eng年龄 in formal and informal discussions to enrich 教学 and research
  • 增加对校园文化多样性的接触

If you are interested in learning more or participating, please contact SoYoung Kang博士 at 康.s@3600151.com

从2023年春季学期开始, 教与学中心 will host bi-weekly 教师 forums where 教师 will be invited to present on recent research, 会议演讲, 或者在他们的研究领域发生的任何其他相关事件. 请看下面的阵容: 

2023年1月25日: 小型资助:芥菜籽医学跨专业传教之旅

2023年2月8日: 狮鹫之刃 / Distinctive Mercy Experience in Academic Programs - Building 学生 Capactiy for Reflection and Eng年龄ment in the Classroom
Stephanie Frantantaro, Beth Knauss, SoYoung Kang

2023年2月22日: 在自杀研究中使用谷歌/趋势数据

2023年3月15日: 体验式学习小组
Janice Nuss, Carol Evans, MaryJo Pierantozzi, Maria Warnick

2023年3月27日: Mini-Grant: Use of an Escape Room Framework to Eng年龄 Local High 学校 学生s in STEM

2023年4月12日: 宫冈恒次郎与国际思维的外交

2023年4月26日: 引领变革:高等教育的组织与管理

欲了解更多信息,请联系SoYoung Kang博士 康.s@3600151.com