Online Master's Degree in School Counseling

Make an impact in the lives of children and teen年龄rs

格温内斯仁慈大学’s 2.5年,60学分.S. 学位课程为学生准备宾夕法尼亚州K-12学校辅导员的认证,并与美国学校咨询协会(ASCA)国家模式的组成部分保持一致.

GMercyU’s program is based on a scholar practitioner model, 这意味着学生们要同时培养学术成就和人际交往能力. 学校为学生提供了坚实的学术基础,包括咨询技巧课程, 人类发展, 研究方法, 团体咨询, 多元文化咨询, 心理咨询理论, techniques in school counseling, and school counseling orientation.

Coursework is supplemented with ample experiential learning, 这给我们的学生提供了动手在学校工作的机会,并帮助儿童和青少年解决与家庭的困难, 老师, 和同龄人. 在整个实习和实习期间,教师领导的小组监督为学生提供持续的支持,因为他们练习和完善他们的成长技能.

此外,该项目要求学生在项目期间在校居住. For students who begin their degree in Fall 2024 or later, 在为期7周的课程中,该计划要求三天的校园居住, CNS 537: Special Topics Residency. 校内实习让学生有机会与项目的教师见面并向他们学习, connect with their 教师 mentor, strengthen relationships with fellow students, and stay current with new developments in the counseling field.

Read our Counseling Department's Fall 2023 newsletter


The program features two residencies.




School counselors play a key role in the development of children and teen年龄rs, especially when times are tough at home or in the classroom.

Typical responsibilities for school counselors may include:

  • Helping students build healthy coping skills through individual or small group instruction.
  • Serving as an advocate for students who are struggling personally or academically.
  • Collaborating with 老师, parents, and administrators in service of student well-being.
  • Linking students and their families to community resources and support.
  • 为高中生制定未来的职业和教育计划提供指导.
  • 采用适当的发展和文化敏感的策略,以优化学生的成功.

GMercyU提供PA顶级学校咨询项目之一,将帮助你成功地开始你的学校咨询职业生涯. 在我们的节目中, 您将受益于我们经验丰富、充满爱心的教师提供的个人关注和指导. 此外, 你将被视为一名专业人士,能够满足我们在学术、临床表现和道德行为方面的高标准.

另外, 注册该学位的学生将有资格获得认证和/或执照, the requirements for which vary by location.

Our Master’s Degree in School Counseling consists of 60 credits of course work. 核心课程占了其中的33个学分,另外27个学分属于专业课程.

中枢神经系统507 Dis能力 in the School Counseling Setting 3学分
中枢神经系统508 Needs of English Langu年龄 Learners in the School Counseling Setting 3学分
中枢神经系统523 Intervention of Techniques of School Counseling 3学分
中枢神经系统525 Organization of School Counseling 3学分
中枢神经系统536 Group Counseling and Facilitation Skills for the School Setting 3学分
中枢神经系统530 儿童及青少年 3学分
中枢神经系统608 一级实习生(SC) 3学分
中枢神经系统609 二级实习生(SC) 3学分
中枢神经系统610 Internship IIT or Elective 3学分

 See the core curriculum on our Master's of Counseling p年龄. See all course descriptions 在毕业生目录中.

You will complete a total of 100 hours of practicum experience, plus 600 total hours of supervised internship. 这将为您准备资格执照作为一个专业顾问(LPC)在宾夕法尼亚州. 该课程的毕业生必须通过国家辅导员考试,并完成所需的学位后监督要求,才能获得宾夕法尼亚州的LPC证书.

Syllabi for enrolled or prospective students are available for review. 请与我们的 项目负责人 或者我们的 CACREP联络 for any specific syllabus.

*许可: 该计划旨在满足宾夕法尼亚州联邦的执照要求. If you reside in a different state, 在参加这个项目之前,你应该仔细检查你所在州的执照要求. For more information, please visit our Program Licensure Requirement p年龄.



重要的是: Licensure laws and policies vary by state. 请查阅 the specific requirements for licensure in your state of residence, as well as states in which you may want to independently practice. 

我们将根据你的学术能力考虑录取你进入我们的在线临床心理健康硕士学位, expression of interests and goals, 生活经验, 个人面试.
To apply,你必须:

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education;
  2. Demonstrate completion of the following undergraduate prerequisites:
    1. 普通心理学、发展心理学、理论或其他基础课程3学分
    2. 3学分 in Research Methods or Statistics;
  3. Submit official transcripts from all academic institutions attended;
  4. Demonstrate achievement of a minimum grade point aver年龄 (GPA) of a 3.0对4.0 scale (see below if your GPA was lower than 3.0 and you do not currently hold a graduate degree);
  5. Complete of the 格温内斯仁慈大学 Graduate Application;  
  6. Submit two letters of recommendation from:
    1. An academic who can attest to your academic ability (preferred), and
    2. A professional or supervisor who can attest to your professional qualification, 能力, and temperament for the field.  
  7. Complete a personal statement (3-5 p年龄s maximum) that address the following:
    1. Who you are and your reasons for choosing a career in clinical mental health counseling;
    2. Why you have chosen GMercyU’s online clinical mental health counseling program;
    3. What being a clinical mental health counselor means to you, and personal characteristics that make you uniquely suited for such a career;
    4. 你对在线课程学习的期望以及你满足这些期望的能力;
    5. How you plan to complete the field placement demands of the program.
  8. Attend a group interview with program 教师.

NOTE: If your GPA was lower than 3.0, you must provide proof of acceptable scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).  我们要求总分达到292分或更高,你还必须完成分析性写作测试.


您可以将在认可机构完成的同类课程的研究生工作最多六(6)个学分转入GMercyU计划, provided you earned at least a B in each course. Transfer credit decisions are made on an individual basis.

满足所有 这里的咨询团队.


Dear School Counseling Practicum and Internship 学生s,

你现在是宾夕法尼亚州的居民吗?你在宾夕法尼亚州的一个学区实习吗, 中间单元, area career and technical school, 特许学校, 地区特许学校, 或者网络特许学校? 你是否同意在完成你的硕士课程后,在宾夕法尼亚州的地方教育机构(LEA)担任至少三年的学校咨询师?

如果是这样,我们想让您了解我们最近了解的一个赠款计划,称为PA帮助. 这项资助为实习学生提供了获得学校咨询实习补偿的机会,条件是同意在PA的LEA工作三年.

To be considered for the grant, 你实习所在地区的人力资源部门或地区办事处必须填写并执行一份PA帮助实习人员申请和协议,并向PHEAA提供一份LEA与你就读的教育专家准备项目学校(格温内德梅茜大学)之间的实习协议副本, 在你的情况下).

Here is the grant website so you can read about eligibility and benefits. 

We would like to emphasize that the application window will remain open until August 31, 2024 or until funds are exhausted. Awarding is a first-come, first- served basis upon receipt of the application. If you are interested in participating, 请向您的现场主管寻求帮助,以确定您所在地区的合适人员,以代表您填写和提交申请. The website has a link to the application.

我们大学在资助项目或申请过程中没有任何作用,除了网站上的信息之外,没有其他信息. 所有与奖助金计划有关的问题都必须发送到计划网站上的电子邮件. We are unfortunately unable to answer any questions you may have: