GMercyU Wissahickon学者在《mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站》上发表文章

托尼和妮娅GMercyU教育学院26岁的Toni Robinson和27岁的Nia Murray, both recipients of the Wissahickon and 格温内斯仁慈大学 Opportunity Scholarship, 被刊登在 费城公民报 依靠宾夕法尼亚州的“自我成长”(GYO)项目的力量.

托尼和妮娅, Wissahickon高中的校友, received a full scholarship to attend GMercyU to major in Education with the plan to return to Wissahickon School District upon graduation to serve as teachers. The Wissahickon and 格温内斯仁慈大学 Opportunity Scholarship is an example of a GYO program designed to enrich the educator pipeline with school districts.

Hear more about 托尼和妮娅’s thoughts and feelings on being part of a GYO program and the impact of such programs below.


托尼:“作为安博勒区第一位获得GYO奖学金的人, I am honored to set the tone and be an influence for younger generations after me. Knowing that I can go to a university debt-free and have a guaranteed job waiting for me is very reassuring. It allows me to be the best teacher I can possible be without the worry of the financial burden of college. 幸运的是,GYO项目似乎变得越来越大. 根据 宾夕法尼亚州立大学教育评估和政策分析中心 最近的研究, the state has seen more than a 60 percent decline in teaching certificates since 2010, which means there is a huge need for teachers for the upcoming school years. The importance of this GYO program is that it allows students who have dedication and passion to teach but may not have the funds to attend college. I am honored to be a part of a GYO scholarship that goes to a student of color every year after me.”

妮娅:“我是第二个获得这项杰出的GYO奖学金的人, 我很荣幸能得到这个机会. The GYO scholarship that Wissahickon High School awarded me consists of many different things. 例如, it’s a full-ride scholarship that covers room and board and offers me a guaranteed position in one of the four elementary schools in Wissahickon School District. 这是一个绝佳的机会, and I am incredibly grateful to say that I have been awarded this scholarship. The GYO program has brought forth many opportunities from which I have learned tremendously.”


Toni: “High school students are e年龄r to listen to college students because they tend to take advice more seriously from peers than from adults. Hearing the advant年龄s and disadvant年龄s of various situations from someone closer in 年龄 is more captivating for these students. 另外, I believe that students are often lectured too much; they need more contemporary, 一起谈话. 学生s have expressed to me that having a young adult speak to them is more exciting than the usual teacher encouraging them to consider college. 学生们意识到上大学是顺理成章的下一步, 他们渴望对大学生活有真实的、未经过滤的了解. 因此, having a genuine college student speak to them provides a firsthand glimpse into what college life is really like, 不同于经常在电影或媒体上看到的形象.”

Nia: “I am overwhelmed with good responses when I visit high school students. 以至于让我很情绪化. I receive a lot of questions asking what I did to get this scholarship and if I can help them obtain one of their own. This is the best part about being part of a GYO program because I enjoy helping people reach their dreams and unlock their true potential.”

Do you feel you are making a difference in the Teacher Apprentice Program (TAP) in the schools, 尤其是作为有色人种学生的榜样?

托尼:“回到我的母校区, Wissahickon, 不仅对我有很大的影响, 而是为了我的学生们. 学生s that know me from my previous years served as a student at Wissahickon have personally told me that my presence inspires them to do something bigger with their futures. 不管是不是教学, the overall impact is that more high school students want to pursue higher education and put their passions to the test.”

妮娅:“今年我去了两所小学参加TAP项目. 在整个旅程中, 我相信我正在对所有学生产生影响, but specifically students of color because of the feedback that I received from my minority students. 有一次,我踏进了TAP的教室, 我看到所有有色人种学生的脸都亮了起来, 那时我知道我的存在对他们来说意味着什么. This is why GYO programs are so important because it promotes representation in school districts that need it, and this is important for students of color because it profoundly impacts their academic achievement.”

Do you believe we can achieve obtaining more teachers of color in the next five years or so?

托尼:“我坚信,像GYO这样的项目, which offer financial assistance to students passionate about higher education but lack the funds, can attract more individuals interested in pursuing careers in education or attending college overall. 对我来说,GYO提供了一个进入人生新篇章的机会.”

Nia: “GYO programs have helped me join the Education field when I thought I would never be able to due to the cost of high education. 因此, 我坚信,如果像GYO这样的项目继续有效, we will see a significant increase in the number of people of color joining the education field. Such programs can influence high school students of color to join the teaching ranks because they inspire students to maintain good grades and put themselves out there. The GYO program has shown students of color who want to be teachers that there is a support system out there that is willing to help them live out their dreams of getting a college degree. 没有GYO程序, some students may have given up on their dreams of pursuing high education because of financial issues, 但GYO项目改变了这一点.”