Integrated Studies Graduate Cara Cushing ’24 Accepted into Energy Force Ambassador Program

Integrated Studies student and recent graduate Cara Cushing ’24 was recently accepted into the PECO and Walker-Miller Energy Services Energy Force Ambassador Program for 2024-2025. Cara was nominated by Integrate for Good, an organization empowering students and adults of all abilities to share their talents, where she serves as a Community Educator and Leadership Incubator student.

After receiving her acceptance letter, Cara told Integrate for Good, “I am so grateful to be in the PECO Energy Force Ambassador Program. I’m so honored to be in this program and so grateful I got picked for this.”

Through the program, Energy Force Ambassadors receive Energy Efficiency training and obtain resources to educate others on the various ways to save money and energy. Ambassadors will also learn about PECO’s portfolio of Energy Efficiency programs to help their peers and the public understand the importance of energy efficiency and conservation. Once Ambassadors are trained, they will attend community events with PECO’s outreach team to teach others what they have learned through a variety of demonstrations.